Sunday, January 2, 2011

Zinc -ed!

I added a new supplement into his daily intake. 

Today, I added the Klaire Lab zinc plus into his supplement menu. Zinc, should be fine with no major heart attack side effects to look out for. 

I mean, there are always side effects to whatever drugs or things we consume but as long as he keeps to the dosage Dr Erwin prescribed, it should be fine.

Our daily meals should have contain all the right amount of zinc in them and oysters are the best source of zinc actually. Its just that Jaden is highly allergic to oysters and well, we are keeping seafood out of his diet for now to avoid any increase in his mercury level as he is already considered quite high in metal toxicity.

At first, I was quite scared to open the bottle for fear that it might have a strong bitter drug taste. Luckily, it has no smell and I doubt that it affects the taste of the juice he drinks it with because Jaden just sipped his juice without showing any reluctance.

Jaden will be taking this zinc plus twice daily after his meals. 

Well, after three days into zinc and hoping he will cope well with it, I will be introducing another new supplement to add on to whatever he has already been taking.

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