Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fluconazole #day 7

Jaden had a meltdown on the way home from grocery shopping again today. He started crying unreasonably, throwing himself about and this lasted for quite some time. Usually he will stop when we reach home but not today.

Mr and I thought he was sleepy due to waking up early this morning but that was not the case. If he was tired and really wanted a nap he would have dozed off in the span of a few seconds I rock him in his bassinet. Nope, he continued crying and since I really did not know what he wanted, I left him all alone to cry.

After a while, he calmed down and came running out to his father, requesting for food. Since he just ate his lunch before we went grocery shopping, I gave his father the box of Orgran biscottis to feed him and the boy finished the whole box. 

Other than antifungals in his med/supplement intake, I added on zinc into his biomed menu. 
He poo-ed twice today. Mustardy looking stools again, the first one which was rather a lot but this time, it sort of look a bit reddish yet does not seem like he was shitting blood and the second one, two small pieces with that whitish strands of fibre-looking stuff.

Mealtimes still consists of him crying and me scolding. Today seems a little better than the last two days but well, it still frustrates me.
Oh! One thing unusual from his previous 6 days is that today he is extra giggly but I have changed nothing in his food menu. So I don't really know what triggered off the giggly mood.

Mr also commented that he noticed that Jaden has stopped doing the face spasm action for quite some time now. Its pretty good news to us but I have to see it for myself. I must have really let this slipped past my observation, trying to observe for side effects instead of positive effects. *sigh* careless me!

Thats about it the update for day 7 of fluconazole intake. One week down, one week more to go. 

-end of day 7 update-

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