Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Humaworm : Day 1

They stated 4 days before the full moon.

I started giving Jaden his very first capsule of Humaworm today, and made him drink a lot of water. A lot !

I was warned about the die-off reaction, which might be worse than die-offs from antifungal but so far, so good.

He has pass motion for the day, *phew* which I was really praying hard that he won't have his usual constipation which had come and go these few days.

I even took photo of his poo, to document the journey and am still contemplating if I should post it up here. Hmm.. not a very good idea it seems? Might just make all my readers disappear then.

BUT, should I find anything out of the ordinary, then maybe I will post those pics up. Someone out there might just want to know what comes out after the de-worming med goes in, don't they?  

Anyway, I gave him at about 5pm today, 30 minutes before mealtime as stated. 

Soon, after I find him stable on 1capsule a day, I would prolly move it to 2 caps a day till I complete that 60 caps for a 30 day course.

Praying hard for positive outcome from this anti-parasite protocol since his eosinophils are at quite an alarming number. 

So, this is my day 1 report. Everything as normal as possible. 

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