Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Combatting Yeast

Everyone has yeast, and you can't get rid of all of it. So, if they are there for a reason, I am sure they also have a part to play in our body balance, just that the yeast I am talking about are the bad bad ones that causes trouble instead of helping out. 


Jaden's DAN doctor, Dr Rina, could not hear his bowel movement properly. She suspected that his yeast is back, which explains his irritability that could just hit in a blink of an eye, restlessness, and yes, he is back to slightly walking on his toes again. 

So, here we are back at square one at combating yeast, even after we did his second round of Diflucan early this year. 

This time, we are going to be using Nystatin for 2 weeks, together with Oil Of Oregano drops. two drops twice daily for two months. From there, we are going to combat it with Candidase and .. wait, are you scratching your head already wondering what I am yabbing about? *sigh* Its all this mad mom talk about antifungals, drug-based and natural based. 

Of course, one just do not combat yeast easily with just antifungals. They need to have backup soldiers as well helping them out, such as a tough probiotic, which Jaden is taking -TherBiotik Factor 6 and his daily dosages of 500mg Ester-C Bio. 

I am already fearing die-off reaction before I am even starting out but it should be a small problem compared to what I was facing two years ago when he was absolutely on nothing but gluten and casein food intake. Epsom salt bath could help with the die-off partly so thanking my lucky stars, I have another soldier to help take on these nasty yeasts. 

Being on Diflucan the last round, and that being a very strong drug, we are advised to take him for another round of liver,kidney and complete blood count test to make sure he is still in the pink of health to carry on this fight. 

I have made an appointment with another mother who will be coming along with me and her son. So both of us will be there to support each other when our sons are being pinned down to draw blood. 

I hope my giving him Milk Thistle has help protect his liver and at this very moment, I still have not figured out what protects the kidney other than letting him drink loads of water. 

Things have not been that easy around in the house these few days.

Jaden is having his mood swings again, where he will suddenly burst into tears all of a sudden, as if he is overwhelmed with sad sad upsetting thoughts and then suddenly hes ok, acting normal and then the tears come back again.

The hubs suspected that I may be giving him supplements that does not agree with him or that I may have been overdosing him with some. Erm, well, to defend myself, I am only following what the doctor prescribed to me. The prescription is still sticking to the bottle. Then he accused me of getting myself confused seeing two doctors who gives two different prescriptions but hey, the supps that they recommend are the same, just the dosages differ in one or two but still when the positive shines through, you don't say your thanks to the doctors and me but when some things like these happens, the accusations are thrown in my face with utmost shit-talk and say its best that I should not even be doing this to my son. 

Like I previously mentioned, its a tango. One step forward, two steps back. Slowly but surely, we tweaked until we find the right comfortable dosages, supplements to work it out ... and hey, I am not the one that is good in science but I am trying my best trying to help my son. So, if you do not plan to help, don't even open up that gab of yours. 

and... drumroll.. best of all out of the consultation, Dr Rina sees a need in me having to upgrade his diet. 

So what is so hard about it since I am already half mastered GFCFEGCF (free of gluten/casein/egg/corn) diet for Jaden right? Check out what is supposedly legal and illegal to eat on top that I have to consider his other food allergies, despite even if there are some foods on SCD list, like almond, milk, cheese and stuff are to be avoided. So which means like most probably out of 100 food out there, there are only really 10-15 food that I can play around to fit inside his food menu .. and to limit his carbo intake. 

TAKE AWAY RICE ??? NOODLES ??? but he is as Asian as he can be. His love for rice and that fills him up. 

You can imagine how I feel when I hear and read about this diet, don't you? But well, I am in no despair right now for there are other options such as the GAPs (guts and psychological syndrome diet) or BED ( Body Ecology Diet) that I can consider .. but its still almost the same when his food allergy list and GFCF is implemented. 

Shall end with this one song ...

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