What they say, is that once they can suck and blow, speech will follow and I am very excited.
I am really holding on to this hope that one day, my son and I can have a conversation with each other even if it means him saying "No!" to the food I put on the table for him.
Jaden has finally mastered blowing just this week. I am utmost grateful to his team of therapists who has been so patient with him, teaching him and using all sorts of method to get him to grasp the concept of blowing.
I am so proud of him when he blew the candle out, and today, he got to blow bubbles.
One can't imagine how happy I am that he is able to do all these. I still remember those days that when we were at Kidzports and all his peers, when they were all 2 years old, and each and everyone of them could blow bubbles when asked, only for Jaden who will be in his little world, doing other things instead of joining his peers.
Well, he may be turning 5 soon this year and only mastered that skill of a 1.5 / 2 year old but I am still nevertheless that he mastered it. He can take his time to learn all these, but like I mentioned before, as long as he is willing to learn, Mr and I shall be patient and find people that are willing to be on the same ship as us to teach him skills he needs to pick up and sail through on his own in future.
I am so excited, now that finally, Jaden will get to blow out his birthday candles on his own starting this year.
Happy 4 years 7 months old my dearest baby !!!! <3
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