Monday, November 15, 2010

IgG test results

Jaden's IgG test results came back to us this morning.

As suspected, he is highly allergic to Casein, milk, whey, yogurt (bovine-derived), gluten, wheat, chicken eggs.

Moderately allergic to oysters so that is also out of the menu.

Then next comes, coconut, grapefruit, orange, almond, soy bean, sea perch, mustard and of all things, white rice. Dang!

Things to look out for will also be chicken, garlic, tuna and vanilla beans.

So all those mentioned in the first line would definitely be out of his menu while those on the second, can be taken occasionally but if his condition does not show improvement or *touch wood* shows regression, then we have to strike it off the menu too.

We have started giving him his cod liver oil and lets just say, it has never been a pleasant experience giving it to him. 5ml in a syringe, and holding a very strong boy down just don't work when the liquid inside the syringe ain't something that he likes to eat or will willingly down without a fight. Oh yes, he sure is a fighter! Lets just say all three of us smells like a fish after. Very smelly fishes!

Today should be our fourth day on the cod liver oil. I am still trying to look out for his body reactions to the cod liver oil. So far so good so next, would probably be the digestive enzymes. Then give him another 4-5 days to check for body reactions and then the probiotics. 

Jaden had fever since last Tuesday, got better the next day but still going warm and then back to nornal and suddenly he was back burning up on Saturday night. I had to give him a suppository to kill the fever off, which it did. *phew* Now, what is left is the annoying cough, phlegm and runny nose.

It was our first time to the paed this year I think because when his paed checked Jaden's last record, it was last year September or something like that. He asked us how was Jaden's speech coming along when we told him that Jaden is actually diagnosed with ASD and the paed looked at me in bewilderment. ASD? Heart problem? Oh gawd! I quickly corrected him and said it was ASD for Autism Spectrum Disorder instead. I later found out what the other ASD meant -Atrial Septal Defect.

Well, Jaden being sick gave him all green light to ber-maharajalela in the house and I think he thinks it is his rights to act this way even when he has recovered. One week of bad behavior was getting on my nerves so today I showed him the cane when he was being cranky and tried to kick me. I only showed him, not give him... next round probably. 

He was never really difficult for quite some time now and now, I am not very sure if its the fever talking or the die-off reaction from his casein and gluten withdrawal? So all I am doing now is monioring, logging each day's behavior, his food intake and well, the cane from time to time to remind him that I am still boss afterall in this house.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my son is awaiting development diagnosis from Dr Rajini on Oct this year.
    Can i know how much it cost to engage with Dr Erwin DAN doctor in Spore?
    I am from KL, would like to know the costing, since we are not high income family :(
    But really want to help my son.
