Saturday, June 2, 2012

Humaworm : Day 2, 3 & 4

Day 2 Humaworm :-

I had Jaden drink about 7 -8 cups of water which made him finally poo-ed just before bedtime. He seemed rather calm with no tantrums, so it was rather a breeze through on day 2, with clear coloured pee that made me really happy.

Day 3 Humaworm :-

Jaden was rather hyper today. In fact, very. 
He kept running up and down the living room, and was stimming quite bad at the DVD player's digits and video credit rolls.
Although it was a different story in his therapy class. He was calm in there and seemed to show signs that he has already quite picked up the sign language for "More".
He did not poo last night despite pumping him with lots of water and his pee was not as clear as day 2.
Rashes and tiny bumps seems to appear, popping out on his face and his back the instant he sweats, causing him to scratch it.

Day 4 Humaworm :-

Jaden decided to pass motion after his breakfast today, quite a lot -well formed with funny orangey colour. I, of course took photo of the poo and disgust myself silly over it. Yes, I did take Day 2 photo too. Need to keep a portfolio until I meet up with his DAN and check with her if this is a normal nice healthy output from Jaden.
Will be making him drink lots of water as well, actually its a good practice to make him drink lots of water everyday. 
Shall monitor if he poos again tonight, but I highly doubt so.. but if he does, then its all for the better.

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